Mob No: 9832912345, 9832095754


Santa Uma School, SiliguriWest Bengal, India

Students are provided education up to X Label. The medium of instruction is English and the curriculum is based on the standards set by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education. The school has developed its own curriculum with provision for compulsory training in Yoga, Music, Fine Arts, Agriculture and Crafts. Computer studies have been introduced to the school.
Games, sports and physical training form a part of the routine at the Santa Uma School. The school has four different Houses. Training in yoga and gymnastics is also imparted to the boys and girls. Athletics and cross-country competitions are held besides sports tournaments.
The school has facilities for playing games like, volleyball, tennis, basketball,  badminton, table tennis, kho kho, kabaddi, carrom and chess. Annual tournaments are held for most of these games and students also participate in inter-school tournaments.
The school has facilities for hobbies like wood-work, metal-work, aeromodelling, claymodelling, gardening, photography, painting and rifle training. Dramas in Hindi and English, debates, elocution and antyakshri(अन्त्याक्षरी) competitions are held.
Educational tours are organised by the school. Societies of students have been formed to prepare for events such as Independence Day,  Republic Day, Annual Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Tulsi Jayanti, Saraswati Puja etc.


Republic Day